On November 28, 2010, Sun Way Flight 4412, a cargo flight from Karachi, Pakistan, to Khartoum, Sudan. The aircraft experienced a critical failure shortly after takeoff, leading to a devastating outcome. How can stricter maintenance regulations help prevent similar tragedies?
Read MoreTWA840
On April 2, 1986, Trans World Airlines Being 727 is en-route from Los Angeles to Cairo with stops in New York City, Rome, and Athens. About 20 minutes before landing in Athens, a bomb exploded on the plane over Argos, Greece. How did the crew manage to land the plane safely?
Read MoreBRA139
On June 21, 1985, a Braathens SAFE 737 is doing a domestic flight in Norway, but something is off when they land. What is so off about this flight that they cannot park by the terminal in Oslo?
Read MoreBA2069
On December 29, 2000, a British Airways 747 is flying from London to Nairobi. What cause this flight to have a small tiff on their way to their destination.
Read MoreAF8969
Beginning on December 24, 1994, an Air France A300 is planning on taking off out of Algeria on its way to France but they never really get off the ground. What caused this flight to cause a 2 day issue on its way to Paris?
Read MoreEA1320
On March 17, 1970, an Eastern Airlines shuttle flight from Newark to Boston is landing but the pilots run into some issues in the cockpit. What caused this flight’s copilot to lose his life on landing?
Read MoreD-CAMB
On December 28, 2018, a Learjet 31A is doing a repositioning flight to Portugal and something weird happens on the way there. What happened that caused the pilots their jobs?
Read MorePS1771
On December 17, 1987, a Pacific Southwestern Airlines flight is doing a quick flight from Los Angeles to San Fransisco, but they never make it. What caused this flight to dive straight into a mountain?
Read MorePAL434
On December 11, 1994, a Philippine Airlines 747 is flying from Manila to Cebu to Tokyo, but they need to emergency land. What causes this flight to shake and lose control?
Read MoreN501RH
On October 24, 2004, a Beechcraft Super King Air 200 is hired to carry the Hendrick’s Motorsports NASCAR team to Virginia, but they do not make it. What caused this flight to crash into the Virginian Mountains?
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On April 27, 1976, an American Airlines 727 is flying into St. Thomas, but something goes wrong. What caused this flight to overrun the runway and head straight into a gas station?
Read MoreUA2885
On January 11, 1983, a United Airlines cargo DC-8 is trying to fly its last leg to Los Angeles but it barley makes it off the ground before crashing. What caused this flight to crash soon after takeoff?
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On October 20, 1977 a charter Convair CV-300 is taking the Lynyrd Skynyrd band from Mississippi to Louisiana but they never make it. What caused this flight to crash before they have a chance to land.
Read MoreCI334
On May 3, 1986 a China Airlines 747 cargo flight is on its way to Hong Kong but the plane does not descend to land. Why did this flight end up landings in the wrong country?
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On September 9, 1969 an Allegheny Airlines DC-9 is on approach to Indianapolis but they never make it. A Piper PA-28 is doing a cross country flight but the flight gets lost on the way. What caused these two flights to collide over Indiana?
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On August 25, 1985 a Bar Harbor Airlines flight is doing a series of hops in the U.S. Northeast when something goes wrong. What causes this flight to crash so close to the runway?
Read MoreWAA99
On August 30, 1975 a Wien Air Alaska Fairchild F-27 is doing a short flight from Savoogna to Gambell Alaska when something goes wrong. What caused this flight to ultimately end up flying into a mountain?
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On January 21, 2010 a Cargolux 747 is making a landing at Luxembourg when something feels off. What caused this flight to hit something on the runway?
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On April 4, 1994 a KLM Cityhopper Saab 340 is trying to do a go around at the Schiphol airport when something goes wrong. What caused this flight to loose control while trying to take off?
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On May 30, 1972 a Delta DC-9 training flight is doing touch and go landings at the Greater Southwest Airport in Dallas, Texas. What caused this routine training flight to crash on the runway?
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